Posted on September 20, 2014 · Posted in Dining Etiquette

We all are well versed with basic table manners. But most of the times, general table rules fail to address the challenges we may come across in certain hard to eat or unique food situations. Say for example bread eating.

Is bread broken or cut before it is eaten?

Depending on certain features of the bread like, the texture of the bread weather it is soft or firm bread. Temperature (hot or cold bread) and lastly the shape of the bread (long and narrow or small and cubed).

  • Table manners for eating soft bread:

Breads of soft texture like muffins or croissant are broken into half with fingers. Pull a bite sized piece from the broken half, butter the bite at that time and eat it. Never butter the entire bread, apply butter only on the bite you are about to eat.

  • Table manners for eating firm bread:

Breads with firm textures like a Danish roll or a dry toast is cut in half or quarter and then eaten. Butter the piece that is already cut  and you when you are just about to eat it.

  • Table manners for eating warm bread:

Warm breads such as sweet rolls, buttered toasts are held from the side using your thumb and index finger. Do not lay them flat on the palm of the hand.

  • Table manners for eating bread sticks:

Bread sticks are made from sweet dough and do not require butter. However if you wish to butter the bread stick before eating, it is advisable to gently break the bread stick into half,  to avoid mess of the  crumbs, then butter the broken half just before eating. Kindly note when applying butter, either butter the entire length or butter just the end of the bread stick.

  • Table manners for eating croutons:

Croutons are toasted cubes of buttered and are generally used as garnish over the soup or to add texture to food. Croutons are greasy and are handled with serving utensils or spoons. Never handle croutons with fingers. They are always spooned over food.

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