Posted on September 20, 2014 · Posted in Dining Etiquette, Etiquettes

Napkin Etiquette

Placing the Napkin in Your Lap: the host or the hostess unfolds their napkin first. The guest should wait for the host or hostess to take his or her napkin off the table and place it in his or her lap.

Unfolding the Napkin. Unfold your napkin in one smooth motion without “snapping” or “shaking” it open.The size of the napkin determines how it should be unfolded.

  • At formal dinners you are offered large napkins, and they unfolded half way
  • If small napkins are offered, completely unfold them and cover the lap fully.

Tucking the Napkin. Don’t tuck a napkin into your collar, between the buttons of your shirt, or in your belt.When messy food is served, just look around at the host to see what he/ she does and follow the same.

Using the Napkin. Use your napkin frequently during the meal to blot or pat, not wipe, your lips. Do not wipe your face, nose and lipstick with the napkin.

Napkin Rings. If a napkin ring is present, after removing your napkin, place the ring to the top-left of the place setting. At the end of the meal, hold the napkin in the centre and pull it from within the erring. And place it back on the table with the point facing the centre of the table.kin frequently during the meal to blot or pat, not wipe, your lips. Do not wipe your face, nose and lipstick with the napkin.

Temporarily leaving the Table. When leaving the table during the meal, put your napkin on the arm rest of your chair. If the chair is upholstered, place the napkin with the soiled side up.

Placing the Napkin at the End of the Meal.

At the meal’s end:

  • The napkin is loosely folded at the end of the meal.
  • If a plate is in the centre of your place setting, when leaving the table place the napkin to the left of the plate.
  • If the centre of your place setting is empty, the napkin is laid in the middle of the place setting.
  • Leave your napkin loosely folded keeping the soiled parts hidden

If coffee is served at the table post dinner, the napkin remains in the lap.

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